Romans Revelation
The One Continuous Letter to the Romans

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2nd Chapter

1 Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, [no matter who] you are that judges another man of sin, for you also condemn your self, for you do the very same things.

In order to justify ourselves in our own sinful minds of self idolatry, we have the propensity to denounce the faults of others, so as to solidity in our own minds our own superiority. The sins of others settles within our minds as the principle reason why we will justify our own sins as a hidden excuse to offset our own failures.  Sin has no justification whatsoever, for all us have minds that are polarized by our sin because of sin's innate entanglements within our own flesh. God has given to mankind the free will to spurn the evil and choose the good, but in our confusion in this body of flesh, we can make the claim that because everyone is doing it, then it must be good, and not desiring to be left out, we excuse our selves and perform the evil that our conscience initially knew was not right.

2 But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to the TRUTH against those who do such things.

3 But do you think O man that judges those that do such evil things, and you do the same things, that you will escape the Judgment of God?

4 Or do you despise the riches of His Goodness and Restraint with great Patient, and do not know that the Goodness of God is to lead to your repentance [from sin and death]?

Jeremiah tries to defend Israel:
Let me go to the leaders and speak to them: For they know the Lord’s way, and the requirements of their God.
Yahweh answers Jeremiah concerning the leadership of Israel:
But they, all together, have broken the yoke and torn off the restraints.
6 Therefore a lion from the forest will attack them,  a wolf from the desert will devastate them. A leopard is watching their towns,  and everyone who goes out of them  will be torn to pieces. For their transgressions are many, and their apostasies numerous.
(Jeremiah  verse thru 4 thru 6.)

The restraints, given in the goodness of Yahweh God Almighty, are seen in the good, just and holy warnings in the Ten Commandments that are imbedded in the uchangeable Word of the Lord.  Sin is inherently native to the flesh of all of mankind, including those that say they are saved. Today the restrains of the Commandments of  Yahweh the Lord God Almighty are thrown away as passé by the leadership of the people. Therefore, unrepented sin continues in the unrestrained flesh of mankind, and it is sin that condemns mankind to their own sentence of death.  But the Grace of God IN the Resurrected Man Christ Jesus has defeated sin and its death within His resurrected Flesh.  So it is for every one who believes IN the resurrection of the Christ of God and follows in His WAY of TRUTH and LIFE that sets a person free from sin and death.

5 But because of the hardness of your impenitent heart, you're building up for yourself, your own treasure to be revealed in the day of the Righteous Judgment of God.

If man continues to serve their own sin, then they will reward themselves with their own corruption in death.

6 For the Almighty Just God will give rightly to every person according to the treasury of the person's own deeds:

8 unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the TRUTH, but obey unrighteousness, [then they will receive their own unrighteous fruit] indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that does evil; to the Jew first and also of the Gentile.

7  But to those, who by patience, continue in well doing, [they] are seeking  glory and honor and eternal Life:

10  They will receive glory, honor and peace, [for it is given] to every person that does good, to the Jew first and also the Gentile.
11 For God is not a respecter of persons.

For the Eyes of Holy Yahweh God sees no physical distinctions that would set any one person or persons as favorable to His call, no matter if they are circumcised or uncircumcised.

12 For all that have sinned without the [knowledge of the] Law [Ten Commandments], shall also perish without the [knowledge of the] Law [in the Ten Commandments]: And all those that have sinned with the knowledge of the Law [Ten Commandments] , shall be judged by the Law [Ten Commandments].

In Chapter 7 of Romans, we will discover with Paul writings that it is Sin that causes death in all of mankind, for sin and death is irrespective of the Law in the Ten Commandment that reveals sin as death.  In other words, it makes no difference whether we know the Law in the Ten Commandments or have no knowledge whatsoever, for it is sin that has already condemned all of mankind to death.  The Ten Commandments of God were given to reveal sin to us, and with the revelation of that which kills us, we would seek God's remedy for our sin and death, and repent within the LIFE giving Blood that the innocent Christ Jesus shed on the cross at Calvary.

The following verses 13 through 15 of Romans 2 are parentheticals, and may be the interpreters inserted wisdom, as if they were the thoughts of Paul.  We can appreciate a little help from man's wisdom, but if you bypass the parenthetical writings and go from verse 12 directly to Paul's writings in the verses 16 and 17, then the Scripture writings of Paul will continues to flow together in logical force, without the scribes interlude meant to be of help.  So then be careful, for all of mankind, Jew or gentile, are already judged as guilty of sin, for all of mankind have sinned and are all in the clutches of death.  Jesus the Messiah will be the final judge pertaining to the issue of Faith in His Commandments that reveal that He IS the only WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE of mankind. (See 2nd Timothy 4 verse 1.) Christ Jesus is our High Priest and He is the only WAY for us to come before Holy, Holy, Holy Yahweh Almighty God.

13 (for the hearer of the law are not just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.
for when the gentiles which have not [heard] the law, do by nature the things contained [written] in the law, do by nature the things contained [written] in the law, these (the gentiles), having not the [written] law, are a law unto themselves,

The English word 'contained' is missing in the Greek  text, but we have inserted the more logical word in brackets as [written].  Also the following text; (are a law unto themselves) does not necessarily flow clearly with the following text in the designated verse 15.

15 Which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience, also bearing witness, and their thoughts [the] mean while accusing or else excusing one another.)

12 For all that have sinned without the [knowledge of the] law [Ten Commandments], shall also perish without the [knowledge of the] law [Ten Commandments]:  And all those that have sinned with the knowledge of the law [Ten Commandments], shall be judged by the law [Ten Commandments],

16 In the day when the Lord God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ.

Death is waiting for all: For All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. The Glory of Yahweh God is His Eternal Power of LIFE.

17 Behold, you are called a Jew and are confident of your knowledge of the Torah, and boast of your knowledge to God.

18 and know His will and approve the things that are more excellent because you are instructed out of the Torah.

The Ten Commandments of God are not the cause of mankind's death, but they give warnings to stay away from the idolatrous evil of sin that causes death.  But how do we escape the evil when we find our selves in sin's idolatrous clutches.  The confidence of the Jews, which have a form of understanding from the Torah, leads them to believe that they are the teachers of the uniformed and are able to give light to the blind.  But the light, that the physically circumcised Jew believes they possess and they are giving to the blind, is formed by their own judgmental prejudice that can only be the enclosing darkness of sin: For they commit the very sins of death that they preach against.

21 Therefore, you that teach others, do you listen to your self? If you preach that one should not steal, do you steal?

22 If you preach that man should not commit adultery do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you commit sacrilege?

23 You that make your boast of the Torah, when you break the law [Ten Commandments], [then] you dishonor Almighty God.

24 For the Name of Yahweh God is blasphemed among the gentiles because of you [Jews].

Sin is added to sin, and the good, holy and just Law's of God that reveal sin and death, are seen to have no affect on the self professing wise.  Looking back to Verse 8, consider again God's Justice that will certainly come:

8 unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the TRUTH, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that does evil, to the Jew first and also of the Gentile.

9 Tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that does evil, of the Jew first and also of the Gentile.
Man reaps the rewards of what they have sown.

The Circumcision of the flesh is by the hand of man, and is an outward sign of the Hebrew man's Covenant agreement of obedience toward Almighty God. If the circumcised man does not obey the Law, but breaks his covenant agreement with God, then his sign of circumcision is made to be uncircumcision like that of a heathen man of sinful flesh.  The repentant Jew had one temporary recourse and that was by the slaying of a sacrificial animal with the innocent animal's collected lifeblood being poured out upon the side of the altar and the surrounding ground by the priest for the reparation for the person's sin. The slaying of the sacrificial animals was a physical work of service by the Aaronic  priesthood of Levi that became more of a tradition, rather that a circumcising  work of service within the heart of a repentant person.

But the Circumcision that is of God, is by the Almighty's unseen 2 Edged Sword of His Spirit that sharply cuts deeply within the inward heart of man, and not that of the exposed outer flesh of man. The Glory of God is seen in the fruits of the inner man, through God's circumcision by His Holy Spirit that reveals the outward signs of His: Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance: For those IN the WAY of Christ Jesus, have crucified the flesh by daily denying sin's lustful passions.

28 For he is not a Jew that expresses himself outwardly just because he has been outwardly circumcised with a physical sign in his flesh.

Circumcision cuts off the foreskin flesh from the male organ of procreation, and that snippet of  flesh will die and would be a sign of the person's death to sin and and his covenant allegiance to Yahweh, the Lord God Almighty. (See Genesis 17 verse 9 thru 13.)

29 But he is a Jew that is one inwardly: For true circumcision is that of the heart, and is by God's Spirit of TRUTH and not by the written circumcision command of the Law. Praise is not of mankind, but Praise is of God Almighty. (See Romans 2 verse 28 thru 29.)

The Justice of Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty allows for the death of all of sinners of rebellious mankind.  However, from the beginning of time, Holy Lord God Almighty IN His Eternal Wisdom, is merciful in His desire to justify mankind, but Yahweh God cannot but be Just in His Judgment of corruptive sin. 

The Just Wisdom of His Holiness, and His desire to be merciful to mankind, was totally satisfied in the Peace Offering of the One innocent Man Jesus Christ.  With Holy Yahweh God's total satisfaction with the Peace Offering of the One innocent Man Jesus Christ, then the genetic Son of the first Adam/Man became the representative of all of mankind, for with His crucifixion death, as the Son of Man, the Lamb of God, paid for the sins of all of mankind who would repent and come to believe IN Him.  For the innocent Man, Jesus Christ was made to be the cursedness of sin for the unbelieving world, and in His death pains, the crucified Jesus cried out with a loud Voice; My God, My God, Why have You forsaken Me? When Jesus had cried out loud again. [a second time] [My God, My God: Why have You forsaken Me?] He yielded His Spirit. (See Matthew 27 verse 46 thru 50.) But God had not forsaken the selfless sacrifice of His Incarnate Word, for the Just Almighty God was well pleased with the Perfect LOVE and Obedience of the Son of Man/Adam, and raised His Only Begotten Son, His Son of Righteousness - Christ Jesus from the dead. The first Adam, a son of God, had sinned and brought death to all of mankind, but the last Adam, Jesus Christ, was an obedient Son of God even unto a cruel death, and He would bring Life to all that would believe IN Him.

We have emphasized God's WORD of TRUTH and GRACE, for Yahweh God's Holy One is full of merciful GRACE, and God's GRACE needs to be fully seen IN the Light of the TRUTH so that mankind may have LIFE.  Those that believe IN the Righteous Love and Obedience of Christ Jesus the Son, are to have the Mind of Christ through the indwelling Holy Spirit of God Almighty. The reproved believer, now being attended to by God's GRACE and the TRUTH of God's Spirit of the Living, would reveal to the lost world a sense of God's GRACE and TRUTH abiding in His redeemed sons and daughters, who live IN the Faith of Christ.  God's saving TRUTH is to be with IN the soul of the believer, even through the flesh, in which we reside IN, tends to filter out the Word of God so as to accommodate our flesh's desire to find satisfaction in sin's will for the flesh.  However if we desire to stay on the straight and narrow WAY of Christ, because there is no other way, then we need to consider the implications of what is written in Scripture.


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Robert Glenn Pratten