Prelude to Light
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Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen.   (See 2nd Timothy 2 verse 14.


Consubstantiation is a doctrine that for our purposes, needs just a little discussion, so we'll dispense with it quickly.  It came out of the reformation period, as an attempted philosophical answer for the disputed Roman Catholicism's doctrine of transubstantiation.  The borrowed doctrine is erroneously attributed to Luther, and the Lutherans, whose thoughts bear some resemblance, but is reported to be advocated earlier by the Catholic theologian John Duns Scotus, 1266 - 1308. (See also the Catholic Encyclopedia.) The doctrine suggests that the bread and the Body of Jesus coexist together, and yet separate.  Likewise, the same is said of the sacramental wine.  The wine remains the wine, except that the Blood of Jesus exist along side the wine.  The English translation taken from Luther's small catechism, concerning Holy Communion, states that: "It is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, in and under the bread and wine for us Christians to eat and to drink, instituted by Christ Himself".  This is what Luther writes in his treatise titled "Confession Concerning Christ's Supper". "Why then should we not much more say in the Supper, "This is my body", even though bread and body are two distinct substances, and the word "this" indicates the bread?  Here, too, out of two kinds of objects, a union has taken place, which I shall call a "sacramental union", because Christ's body and the bread, are given to us as a sacrament.  This is not a natural or personal union, as is the case with God and Christ". 

For a more complete Lutheran perspective, see the Book of Concord on the Lord's Supper with its link within the Augsburg Confession.

Because of the ambiguities in the explanation of the mystery of Holy Communion, many institutions, of the catholic or universal umbrella, fall back on the summary terminology, of the unexplainable "Real Presence of the Lord".  The sacred mystery continues Ad infinitum!  For the Eternal WORD of God is not of a finite substance, but is of the Substance of the Infinite, for even the Body of Christ was crucified before the foundation of the world.  The substance of the Infinite WORD of God is relative to Holy, Holy, Holy Yahweh, Lord God Almighty's Spirit of Grace.  Faith is negated in listening to the fabrications of finite men: But that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the Power of [the Infinite] God. (See in context 1st Corinthians 2 verse 5 thru 10.) I AM the Bread of Life: This is the Bread which comes down from heaven, that a man man eat there of and not die. I AM the Bread which comes down from heaven. (See John 6 verse  46 thru 51.) It is the Spirit (of Grace) that makes alive the flesh profits nothing.  The Words I speak unto you are Spirit and Life. (John 6 verse 63.)

The New Covenant Salvation is by God's Spirit of Grace, and yet we do not see the Spirit of Grace in the Water Baptism that initially separates us from our past sins.  Sanctification is by the Spirit of God, and yet we do not see God's Holy Spirit of Grace in the Communion Water and Wine that is the Life Blood that will cleanses the humble person of faith, and separates us from the guilt of known and as yet unknown sins.  Both Salvation and Sanctification are through God's Holy Spirit of Grace that is One with God, His Word and the fountain of Water and Blood that flowed from wounds of Jesus Christ, the Son of Man.  God's Spirit of Life is in our High Priest Jesus Christ, and He alone is the only Covenant Mediator between sinful man kind and Holy, Holy, Holy Yahweh Lord God Almighty.

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Robert Glenn Pratten