Prelude to Light
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God's Revival Gives LIFE to the Dead.

Take and drink all of you.

This is My Blood of the New Covenant
which is Shed for Many for the Remission of Sins.

Sin shall not have dominion over you.

The redeemed are looking for what they call a Holy Ghost revival, but have failed in their theology to recognize that Yahweh God has already provided for the revival of the fleshly dead in the fullness of His Communion in His New Blood Covenant that is IN the Resurrection LIFE of His only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ.

Jesus took the wine, and gave thanks [to His Father Yahweh God] and gave it to His disciples, saying; Drink of it, all of you: For this IS My Blood of the New Covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.  (Matthew 26 verse 27 thru 28.)

If it is the sin's of the flesh that have made the double minded person dead to the LIFE of Christ Jesus, then vanity is ruling the flesh and not Yahweh's Holy Spirit of the Living God.  God's Holy Spirit of LIFE, is the Revivalist of believing but struggling souls.  For God's Spirit of Living Grace is always Present at Christ's New Covenant Communion Table of His bountiful Grace, and is where the Almighty Yahweh God provides for believers a renewing life in the LIFE Blood of His Son, Jesus Christ.  The Eternal God has given to faithful believers His Word of Covenant TRUTH through His Holy Spirit of Grace IN His Son.  Father Yahweh God sent His Holy Spirit to reprove all of the called ones of their sins of death, and then to revive His people of faith into His LIFE saving Grace within the New Covenant Word of the Eternal God.  The confirming Word's of Jesus Christ, the Savior of mankind, says: "I AM the Resurrection and the LIFE.  He that believes in Me though he were dead, yet shall he Live. (John 11 verse 25.) Truly, Truly I say unto You, Except you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you have no LIFE in you. (See John 6 verse 53 thru 57.)  Why allow the unbelieving flesh to continue to wallow around in the muck of its choice of death? To eat of the Body of Christ is to admit to being a sinner within the dead Body of Christ, but to drink Christ Blood in Faith is to find LIFE IN the LIFE of Yahweh God's only Begotten Son, Jesus, Yashua haMashiach.

Even though we say we are followers of Jesus Christ, yet we live in this fallen nature of flesh with its failures to daily deny our selves.  Now in our absentmindedness, we have left the yoke of our cross of death un-shouldered and laying in the dust of the earth, and in repentance it is just waiting for it to be found.  Well then, Lo and behold, the renegade nature of sin and death that is part and parcel with the flesh of our fallen humanity has found us out again through the revealing nature of God's Good and Holy Commandments. (See Mark 8 verse 34.)  O wretched man that I am, who will save me from this body of death. (See Romans 7 verse 23 thru 25.) Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts you double minded. (See James 4 verse 7 thru 8.)

Thanks be to the Eternally Wise Yahweh God Almighty, Who, is One with His New Covenant of Grace in the Blood of Jesus Christ, for He provides for believers, His Communion of Living intimacy within the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ.  With our confession of fault, the Sacrificial Love of God Alone, will bring about the spiritual demise of the controlling death of sin within our troublesome idolatrous flesh. The condemnation of the force of sin within the conscience, ceases to be a defeating force because of God's Covenant of reconciliation in the LIFE giving Blood of Jesus Christ.  Now then, with the new creation's humble repentance from the slavery of sin that resides in the flesh, Almighty God will again Sanctify His new creation in the LIFE Blood of His Son, Jesus Christ.  It is Holy God Almighty Who sets us apart from our idolatrous sins of the flesh, through the cleansing Grace within His Holy Spirit's new Covenant LIFE giving Blood shed by His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. There are Three that bear witness (to these earthen vessels): the Spirit and the Water and the Blood and these Three are One.

The slavery of idolatrous sin that exist in the flesh of one and also every believer, is not to have dominion over the saved IN Christ Jesus/Yeshua.   The first Man Adam was of the earth and was made a living soul by the Breath of God.  The second Adam was the Word of God before the foundation of the world, and was sent from Heaven to be born the Man Yeshua haMashiach and being One with God, He was a LIFE giving Spirit to all that believe in the Word of God.  God's Spirit of LIFE left the first Adam in his unbelieving disobedience to God.  Because of Adam's rebellion against His Maker, then sin and death would reign in all of mankind.  The second Adam, Jesus, in His obedience to God, brought the LIFE of the Spirit of Yahweh God, to be received by all those that declare their obedient faith in God, the Creator of Life.

God's New Covenant in the Blood of Jesus Christ,  the Incarnate Son of Man, provides for the believing man, an ongoing remedy for every sin of separation against Holy, Holy, Holy Yahweh Lord God Almighty.  The sting of sin has lost its power in the resurrection of the Man Christ Jesus.  Therefore, there is now no condemnation to them who walk after the Spirit of God, for Law of the Spirit of LIFE in Christ Jesus/Yeshua has made me free from the law of sin and death.  (See Romans 8 verse 1 thru 2.)

Within hours before His death on the cross, the Christ and Word of His Father God, instituted at His Father's Feast of Unleavened Bread, our Communion in His necessary Provisions flowing in the Spirit of His Word of LIFE that sustains LIFE of His Body of believers.  Every time when the believers are to come together to worship God Almighty in His Spirit of TRUTH, it is to be at the setting of His Table of Sanctifying Grace.  We are called together in Christ's One Body to worship God, as One unleavened Body in the Spirit and the TRUTH of God's resurrected Son.  We celebrate Christ's victorious death over our sin and death, ever rejoicing in the Renewing and cleansing Power of the Lord Jesus Christ's LIFE saving Blood.

O the depth of the riches both of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His Judgments, and His Ways past finding out! (Romans 11 verse 33.)

However, in our philosophical disunity in Christianity, the opposite has become the norm.  Now, we meet together in the power and understanding of our own failing flesh, thereby, dismissing God's unseen Holy Spirit of TRUTH and Grace with His Covenant Remedy ameliorates the wantonness of sin in our self centered flesh.  Many Christians are following the pernicious doctrines of the paid prideful men of the pulpit.  The doctrine from the pulpit has become the standard of worship, and the Covenant Word of God is trampled under the feet of smooth talking covenant breakers, who stand behind the authority of man's constructed pulpit.  The idolatry of humanity's flesh remains rampant in the flawed wisdom of men speaking of vain assumptions that dismiss the fullness of Christ's foundational TRUTH in His New Covenant Blood. (See Matthew 7 verse 24 thru 27.) We flock together with itching ears to hear the mixed wisdom of the world that gratifies our corrupted flesh.  Again, the echo from evil's gross darkness can be heard reasoning with the mind of unbelief: Did the Lord God really mean what He said: Well did He? (See Psalm 68 verse 18 and Ephesians 4.)

The evangelicals that preach repentance do a little better, but are only half right, for their preaching lacks God's New Covenant Remedy in Christ's Life Blood, given for obliteration of the self perpetuating sin's of the flesh. The self informed have forgotten what Jesus Christ, the True Vine, said at His Passover Table: I Am the Vine, you are the branches, without Me you can do nothing(See John 15 verse 1 thru 6.) Revival languishes in unbelief.  These struggling preachers of self promoting righteousness, are themselves famished in their own unbelief, for they do not believe in the taking of God's Divine Remedy in the LIFE giving Blood of Jesus Christ, nor do they dispense the Blood of Christ for the corrupting errors of the sin's of the flesh of their constituency.  Those who answer God's call to repentance in a one time revival meeting, are soon left to wonder why they continue to do those same things they feel so guilty about.  O wretched man that I am, who will save me from this body of death.

Satan uses men, even those who have a profession of Christ Jesus, to manufacture and teach his heretical lies that lead to death: For the deceiver of souls despises the TRUTH.    The popular satanic psychology of the day, teaches that with Christ once and for all offering for sin, then all sins are now past tense and there are no more sins that influence us..  The schooled pulpit preachers, in order to earn their pay, continue to take scriptures out of context, and then meld them into their double minded ways of thinking, and then they naturally provide man with mental work solutions that are thought to bring about changes in one's conduct.

The following Scripture in Paul's letter to the Philippians provides a means for satanic heresy, for the Scripture is taken out of context and disregards Paul's only reason for the statement. It is not the former corruptible actions of sin in the flesh that is to be forgotten, but Paul is addressing a person's own righteousness, by their justifying their righteous accomplishments of the past.

Brethren, I do not consider myself to have apprehended (all things) but this one thing  I do: I forget those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before [me]. [Therefore] I press toward the mark for the prize of the High Calling of God IN Christ Jesus.  Therefore, let us, as many as would be perfect be thus minded, and if any thing [that] you are otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.

Within his renewed mind, Paul knows that in his natural flesh there is no perfection, but, in the renewed spirit of his mind, he is pursuing the perfection that is IN Christ Jesus.  Therefore, let us, as many as would be perfect be thus minded, that is press on to the High Calling of God IN Christ Jesus.

Clarity begins in the prior passages, for Paul has written: Beware of dogs. (See Philippians 3verse 2) [dogs will return to their vomit] Beware of evil workers. Beware of mutilators [of Scripture]. Paul then declares that he is of the circumcised Jews, which worship God in the spirit [of the mind] with rejoicing in Christ Jesus, and thereby, as true believers, we have no confidence in the deception of the flesh.  If Salvation was of the flesh, then Paul could boast of his righteousness as being a proper Jew with unblemished credentials.  But for whatever things Paul may have gotten as a Jew, he counts them as dung that he may win IN Christ Jesus the Promise of so great a Salvation. (See Philippians 3 verse 2 thru 13.) (Glory not - Jeremiah 9 verse 23 thru 24.)  

No doubt, God's Spirit of TRUTH is grieved in man's doctrinal heresies with teachings that perpetuate mankind's unbelief in the TRUTH.  Without faith in God's Covenant in the LIFE giving Blood of Jesus Christ, then Yahweh God may not hear us because of our unbelief in His TRUTH IN His Son.  Life is provided through God's Holy Spirit, for the True Vine, Christ Jesus, provides His Holy LIFE giving Blood that cleanses repentant souls, from the sins of the flesh that would hold our spirits captive.  James in his epistle gives an admonition to the double mindedness of those being saved, to repent and attend to God's Spirit of Grace in Christ Jesus. The soul with the renewed spirit of the mind may be saved, but the flesh of man is corrupted in sin, and the natural body of sin does not possess the will to change.  Sin must be overruled by submitting to the Christ of God, for God is faithful to bring about His Work's of atoning intervention, through Yahweh's New Covenant in the Body and shed Blood of His Son. (See Romans 7 verse 20 thru 25.) 

Do you think that the scripture says in vain, The (our) spirit that dwells in us lust to envy? But God gives more grace. Wherefore Scriptures says, God resists the proud, but gives grace unto the humble. Therefore submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts you double minded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up. (James 4 verse 5 thru 10.)

Whose mind do you follow: Your finite mind or the Eternal Mind of the Spirit of Almighty God that seeks to Covenant with you? If we say there is no sin in us, then we are in a state of denial, and are calling the Holy God of TRUTH a liar.  In making God a  liar, we  are in complicity with the churches' of corporate confusion that unknowingly are in collusion with the stealthy author of sin and corruption.  The dark nature of sin blinds us, and in the darkness of our own unbelief, we remain shackled in the prison of sin and death. Can you not see that unbelief puts us in direct opposition to the saving and freeing Doctrine of Father God's New Covenant in the Perfect Sacrificial LIFE that the Almighty God gave within the LIFE fiving Blood of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.    

Sin is only committed to serve its own self satisfaction, and continues to deny the TRUTH of the liberating Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.  The single minded nature of stealthy sin will continually seek to maintain its strangle hold of self deceit that shackles the heart of a person to sin's rule of death; for the death from the sting of sin brings separation from the only Holy Lord God of the Living. 

The shackles of sin are intertwined and affixed to neurons within the earthly  mind of our being, and the links of the chains need to be dissolved away in the Blood of Jesus Christ, thereby releasing the spirit of our minds to the Agape Rule of the Almighty God of the Living.  For this to happen, it is absolutely essential, to have a true contrition within the heart of our minds, having the desire to forsake sin's self seeking desires.  When we sincerely acknowledge to our Redeeming Mediator and High Priest, of our own selfish sins against God and man, then Yahweh God is just and faithful to cleanse us through His Son's Holy Sanctifying LIFE giving Blood that Jesus shed on Calvary as the Son of Man.  The TRUTH says that  He is the WAY of LIFE for in fact He is the Genetic Seed of the last Adam, Who takes away the sin of the first Adam's world.

When sin is initiated by the flesh of our being,  then the Just and Holy Commandments of God comes to the forefront of our minds, revealing our need for true repentance for sin's clutches.  If God is not first in all things then we are guilty of all of the Commandments, revealing our own self idolatry.  When the heart of our minds condemns us, and we see that we have sinned against our fellow man, then again we need to grab hold of Christ's humility, and then seek for the forgiveness of those we have sinned against. (See Matthew 5 verse 22 thru 24.) Also, we may find ourselves in need to forgive from the depths of our being, our fellow man for their trespasses, even as Christ has forgiven us sinners. (See Matthew 6 verse 14 thru 15). Thanks be to our Faithful God of Covenant that the repentance of a humble heart is always heard by Him, even if we commit sin and admit our same failure 70 times 7 in the same day.  So then with God's Covenant cleansing process of His Grace, the Eternal God of Wisdom, will little by little give us the ability to possess the soil of our fleshly being,  This is My Blood of the New Covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. For if we walk in the Light, as God is the Light, then we have Communion one with another, and the "Blood" of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses us from all sin. (See 1st John 1 verse 5 thru 7.)  But be not deceived, for the Light of the world will not be mocked by a lying heart entrenched in its own deception. (See Galatians 6 verse 6 thru  8.)

All of us have broken Faith and sinned against the Lord our God.  We don't like to admit our failures and tend to hide stealthy sin within the recesses of our minds.  But let us first reconsider our judgment, for by our human nature we are bent on self first, and are lacking in the Perfect Love of God that would render ourselves as last.  Holy God Almighty awakens within us His Righteousness that bears His Gift of renewing Faith within His Provision of Perfect Love in His New Covenant IN the LIFE Blood of Jesus Christ.  Do not continue to exist in error, for Yahweh's Holy Spirit of Living Grace is poured out freely from His Cup of Blessing.  Now, it is the needy we, convicted by God's Holy Light of Faith, whereby we bless the Cup of redeeming LIFE with our thanksgiving to Yahweh God for our salvation IN the LIFE of His Son Yeshua/Jesus.  Now, abiding within God's Spirit of TRUTH, we are free to worship the Almighty God in His Spirit of TRUTH, by presenting our selves as living sacrifices in the same Living TRUTH, Christ Jesus. 

All things were made by the Word (Messiah); and without Christ was not any thing made that was made. In Christ was LIFE; and the LIFE was the Light of men.  And the Light shined in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. (See John 1 verse 1 thru 5.)

This then is the Message of TRUTH, which we have heard of Christ, and declare unto you: God is Light and in God is no darkness whatsoever.  If we say we have fellowship with Messiah and walk in darkness, then we are liars, and do not practice the TRUTH. But if we walk in the Light as Christ is the Light, then we have fellowship one with another and the Blood of Jesus Christ, Yahweh's Son, cleanses us from all sin.

Sin shall not have dominion over you, for in Communion with Yahweh's Grace we again celebrate of our death to sin within Christ's death for our sins, and in His Resurrection, we celebrate our resurrection into the LIFE and Light within the Lord our Salvation.  We celebrate our thankful inclusion in the Body of Christ, by our participation within Yahweh's Holy Unleavened Bread of LIFE. 

Now, as covenant members IN the Body of Christ, we will find forgiveness and cleansing mercy, through God's Holy Spirit through the poured out LIFE giving Blood of God's Son, Jesus Christ. (See in the Light 1st John 1 verse 8 thru 10.) Again, with the partaking of the cup, which we bless in faith, we would be made full, and overflowing of that which we are deficient within our individual selves.  Through justifying faith, the New Covenant Blood of Jesus Christ is for the renewal of our confession of faith in God's Covenant of Grace; both for the needs of the individual within the Body of Christ, and certainly for the wholeness and LIFE of the collective Body of Christ. 

For what is necessary for the holy good of the one, is necessary for the holy good of all; and what is necessary for the holy good of all, is necessary for the holy good of the one. There is only the One Body of the Lord Yeshua, and only One Holy Spirit of Christ's Body.  For the Spirit of the Living God has baptized each one us as believers, once into the Body of our Lord Jesus, so that we are each members one of another in His Body.   The wholeness of the Body of Christ Jesus, is maintained by God's Holy Spirit of Grace, through the poured out LIFE giving Blood of God's Son, that flows through God's Holy Spirit, bearing the perfect and enabling Love of the TRUTH that is Christ Jesus. (See Romans 12 verse 5.)

Of the TRUTH that is Christ Jesus, the Revival of LIFE in Christ can always take place in God's Communion within the humble and thankful souls that have acknowledged their sins of the flesh.  God gives us His freedom from the shackles of sin and death, by the Perfect Love and Sacrifice of His beloved Son.  We are to honor God in the sacred tradition that the Word of God, Christ Jesus established for believers in God's Feast of Unleavened Bread.  Through God's Holy Spirit, the sanctifying Blood of Jesus Christ, is ever present in God's New Blood Covenant.  God's Holy Spirit of LIFE is ever ready to provide for the renewal of LIFE within the humble hearts that abide in faith within the Christ of God.  The TRUTH of the Spirit of Christ Jesus exposes within our being, that we all are lacking within ourselves, the Perfect Love of God's only begotten Son that sustains Eternal LIFE.  That Power of the Perfect Love of God, being Present within us, is now present in the world, for though God's Holy Spirit of Grace, the Almighty's Covenant Empowerment is to be expressed in the world by God's redeemed people, who have a living faith in the Almighty Holy God of the Living.  The belief in the TRUTH is not to be hidden away in a cloud of earthly dust.   God's Merciful Love is always available to all Covenant souls, who find themselves dead in their sins and trespasses against God and man; and yes, also for all those who are confused by the will of their flesh; and yes, also for all those who are possessed by the pride of life and the lust of the eyes; and yes, also for all those who are right in their own eyes with their judgment of others; yes and also for all those who have erred in unbelief in the Father’s Doctrine of renewal; and no doubt yes, for all those who are heavy laden and broken in spirit, and finally for all those who are small in faith and fearful of heart.

The following last section and chapters will come to a conclusion with further interpretations of these dreams, as well as with several other dreams that concern the people of God, and reprove the doctrinal conflicts within the all churches of superior philosophy.

 To proceed to the next chapter, please click on  Judas Heart

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Robert Glenn Pratten