Prelude to Light
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The One Body of Jesus Christ

There is One Body of Christ and the One Body of Christ lives by the One Spirit of Yahweh God.  (See Ephesians 4 verse 1 thru 7.) One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism. One [Yahweh]God and Father of all, Who is above all and through all, and in all of you believers.

12 For as the body is one, and has many members, and all the members of that one body, [although] being many [functioning parts], are [yet] one body: so is Christ also. [ONE BODY]

13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one BODY [of Christ] whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; we all have been made to drink into ONE Spirit.

14 For the [ONE] BODY [of Christ] is not one member, but many [individual members],

15 If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, [then] I am not of the BODY [of Christ]; therefore is it not [part] of the BODY [of Christ]?

16 And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, [then] I am not of the BODY [of Christ]; therefore is it not [part] of the BODY [of Christ]?

17 If the whole BODY [of Christ] were an eye, [then] where is the hearing? If the whole [BODY of Christ] were hearing, [then] where is the smelling?

18 But now has [Yahweh] God set the members every one of them in the BODY [of Christ], as it has pleased Him. (1 Corinthians 12 verse 12 thru 18.)

The apostle Paul continues to writes to the church/Ecclesia:

"For unto every one of us [members] is given Grace according to the measure of the Gift of Christ: For He [through the Grace of the Lord in Communion], gave some [members] to be apostles, and some [members] are prophets, and some  [members] are evangelists, and some [members] are pastors and teachers; all [members] are given for the perfecting of the saints, and the work of the ministry, for the edifying of all of the members in the [ONE] Body of Christ, until we all come in the unity [as ONE] of the One Faith, and (even, also, indeed) of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." (See Ephesians 4 verses 7 thru 14.)

We draw your attention to the whole of the 2 above scriptures, for they were written by Paul in 2 separate letters to the churches, Ecclesia of the Corinthians and the Ephesians.   Paul's thoughts were first expressed to the church, Ecclesia of the Corinthians, and what should be understood through the Spirit of Yahweh God, is advanced in the Ecclesia  of the Ephesians.  There is the ONE Supreme Spirit of Yahweh God Almighty, and He establishes functioning vocations with select members of His  born again souls so that they would Speak with One voice the ONE TRUTH to the many souls that are being saved or sanctified in the ONE BODY of Christ.  Yahweh God's Spirit is ONE HOLY SPIRIT and from the beginning, HE has ONE Holy Theme that is centered in the One Savior of mankind, the Man Christ Jesus, the Messiah of Yahweh God.

All of Scripture, when read with the Eyes of Yahweh's ONE Holy Spirit of TRUTH, reveals to the many members of the One Body of Christ Jesus, of the Lord's vocational Gifts of Grace in Holy Communion that there are individual gifts given to specific called out members, as Yahweh God has chosen them to function for the edification of the One Body of Christ.

Some are appointed to function within God's Holy Spirit of Grace as apostles and prophets, bearing in their souls the same unifying message of Yahweh God's Holy Spirit of TRUTH to the chosen evangelist pastors and teachers that dwell within the One  Body of Christ.  These specialized vocational gifts of Grace are within the One Body of Christ and are given for the Glory of the Only Holy Lord God Almighty amplifying His Eternal Word of TRUTH, Who was engendered from the original genetic flesh of God's creation of the first Adam/Man,  male and female to become became the Man Jesus/Yeshua. 

All of the members of the Body of believers are to function in Sacrificial Love as one IN Christ Jesus, even as all of the trillions of cells within the natural body, were designed by the Creator to sacrificially function together for the wholeness of that one physical body of human flesh.  So then we are to understand that even as there are differences in the encouraging administrations within the Body [apostles and prophets evangelist,  pastors and teachers], so there is in all the members of the Body [of Christ], a diversity of operations [functions] through the same Holy Spirit of the Lord God Almighty. (See the diversity of necessities 1st Corinthians 12 verse 4 thru 14.) By the One Faith you have become fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God, and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, for Jesus Christ is the Chief Corner Stone, in Whom all the parts of the building is fitly framed together and grows into a holy temple 'IN' the Lord; 'IN' Whom you are also built together for a habitation of God through His Spirit [of LIFE and Grace]. (See Ephesians 2 verse 16 thru 22.) In the One Body of Christ Jesus, all of the individual parts are interrelated to the whole Body of Christ, with Jesus/Yeshua being the Head [Spirit] of His ONE functioning Body.

However, there are some noted paid pulpit theologians that are truly ignorant of the necessary workings within the natural body's DNA and Messenger RNA that were originally designed by God for the functional unity of the natural body's cellular workings:  To wit, these same authoritative teachers are dismissive of God's calling of the like apostle and prophets given by Almighty God to be specialized vocational functioning jobs who through God's Spirit of Grace would promote holy unity of the heart within all the called members of the Spiritual Body of Christ. The earthly wisdom of the nay sayers of the pulpit, have trumped the Wisdom of the Infinitely Wise Lord God Almighty, saying: We have the full bible and have no need of the gifts of the former apostles and prophets, for they are passé' from an earlier time.  Also, these same pulpit prophets dismiss the LIFE giving Force of the Spirit of the God of the Living, Who gives to the Body of Christ the Communion New Covenant LIFE of Father Yahweh's Spirit through the LIFE Blood of His Only Begotten Son, Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah.

As a result of the churches' ignorance of the workings within the Body of God's fashioning of the Living WORD, there is the other extreme.  Man's fleshly pride in their own self importance will assume to themselves the formulated gifts of their own makings. The false usurpers will aggrandize them selves, by creating their own titles of greater isolating self importance that brings further confusion to the uninitiated members who flounder in their sin and death because they do not understand the Communion calling within the One Body of Christ.  (See Jeremiah 23 verse 14 thru 22.)

The Almighty God Alone, through His Holy Spirit of humbling Grace, has called His specific servants, to be but necessary unifying functions within the Body of His Son, Christ Jesus.  All of God's called members are to function IN God's One Spirit of Holiness, and flow together as One in Sacrificial Love for the unity and wholeness of each member within the Body of Christ. (See John 17 verse 20 thru 23.) So then, the One unseen Holy Spirit of the only Living Yahweh God, is speaking to all of the members within the One Body of His Only Begotten Son, the Man/Adam Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the Human Personification of the Eternal Word of TRUTH and holds all things of the universe together as the WORD of His Father.  Christ Jesus, the last Adam, is God's Personal WORD that is the only WAY, the only TRUTH and the only LIFE that brings mankind to Almighty Yahweh God's Salvation Gift  within God's One Man, the Resurrected Christ Jesus.  I AM the Light of the world: he that follows Me (See Matthew 16 verse 24.) will  not walk in darkness, but have the Light of LIFE. (John 8 verse 12.)

Have you looked up recently? The unfailing TRUTH of the Word of the Eternal Lord God Almighty, is declared in the expanse of the heavens: For the Power of the Light of the universe is created from the Infinite Yahweh God's everlasting Word, although not being seen with finite eyes is testified as beiing TRUE through the Faith of Yahweh God's set apart men and women. (See 2nd Peter 1 verse 21.)   The expanding heavens, with its enumerable lights, declares the Glory of the Infinite Yahweh God Almighty's unfailing Word of TRUTH that holds all things of His universe together within the order of His Infinite Wisdom.  The Almighty and Infinite Yahweh God of creation, in all instances has sworn upon Himself, for there is no other greater entity  that He can swear upon other than Himself.  The Almighty is not as a mere man that would lie and pervert His TRUTH. Therefore, consider that what is written in Scripture is declared in the infinite expanse of the heavens, and bares witness to the corruption of all of dying mankind.  And yet the Creator is not willing that any person should perish, but has given His assurances of His Great Salvation Gift of LIFE through True Faith that is centered in the Light of His only Begotten Son, Christ Jesus. Thou art a High Priest forever after the order of MalchizedekAnd the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His Glory as the only Begotten of the Father, full of [Yahweh's Spirit of] Grace and TRUTH. (See John 1 verse 1 thru 14.) The Almighty God, Who fills the void of His own creation with the Spirit of His Word of TRUTH, does not leave the mind of the man seeking the TRUTH, to be void of the Light of unseeing Faith that is IN Christ Jesus. 

Witness first that it was after the Lord Jesus had dismissed Judas Iscariot from the Lord's exclusive Passover Table, that the TRUTH of the WORD of GOD, Jesus Christ says to His disciples that remained at the Lord's Passover Covenant Table of Grace: If you Love Me, [the]) keep My Commandments. I will pray to the Father, and He shall give to you another Comforter, even His Spirit of TRUTH.  I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you. At that day you shall know that I AM in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. If a man Loves Me, [then] He will keep My Words, and My Father [Yahweh] will Love him, and [then] We will come unto him, and make Our abode with him. (See all of John 14 verse 15 thru 26.) Note that in all cases where the conditional word 'if' is seen, then the Word of God is conditional to one's compliance to the condition set forth within the statement.  The very next Words of Jesus Christ cuts to the heart, for if there is the failure to meet the primal condition, then: He that Loves Me not, does not keep My sayings: and the Word that you hear is not Mine, but the Father's [Yahweh God] Who sent Me. 

The following Words of Jesus Christ were also spoken at the New Passover with the Feast of Unleavened Bread, where the Lord sets a condition of God's Sacrificial Love that is IN Christ Jesus.

If you abide IN Me, and My Words ( of Salvation) abide IN you, then you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you. Herein is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit; so shall you be My disciples. As the Father has Loved Me, so have I Loved you: Continue you IN My Love. (John 15 verse 7 thru 9.)

Christ Jesus is not divided, but is One with His Father of Light and TRUTH.  It is we, in the corruption of our flesh and blood, that are divisive in all of our self justifying nature. So then be aware, all of the saved are yet double minded, and need to understand that the Word's of Jesus Christ are the Words of His Holy Father and the Sword of the Word of God will cut asunder those who do not love and serve the Holy TRUTH of Yahweh God.  The One Spirit of the Father and His Only Begotten Son does not abide IN the human soul that commits treasonous acts against the TRUTH of God's Salvation Word.  If God's Spirit of LIFE does not abide within a soul, then the spirit of death will rein there in the darkness of death.  This then is the message which we have heard of Him and declare unto you: God is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all. (See 1st John 1 verse 5 thru 6.)

You have either read or heard that the One God is Love.  Yes, it is absolute TRUTH, for Yahweh God's Love abides within His Word of TRUTH, for His Word of TRUTH is the Man Yashua haMashiach.   By the Spirit of Yahweh God, the Son of Man/Adam was prepared before the foundation of the world to be offered up as a sacrificial Lamb Who would propitiate the sins of death for all of believing mankind: But know this also, that there is no darkness whatsoever in Almighty God's Love. The darkness of sin can not exist in the Presence of Yahweh God Who is all Light.  Yahweh God has set His Approving Seal on the Man Christ Jesus, for God's Salvstion is One with the Infinite God of Light and Love,  For Jesus/ Yeshua is Yahweh God's Only Begotten Son, and being the Incarnate Son of Adam  provides the only remedy for mankind's darkness of sin, within His LIFE giving Blood that is ONE His Holy Father Yahweh God Almighty.

The Apostle  Paul cries out: O wretched man that I am; Who can save me from this body of death? I thank [Eucharisteo] God through Jesus Christ our Lord.  "Take and drink all of you, for this is My Blood of the New Covenant poured out for many for the remission/obliteration of sin"Therefore there is no condemnation to them that are IN Christ Jesus, who do not walk after the [deeds of the] flesh, but after the SpiritFor as many that are led by the Spirit of Yahweh God, they are the sons of God.  (See Romans 8 verse 1 and verses 13-14.) In our Communion with Christ Jesus, the darkness of sin, that is humbly repented of, is obliterated in the Light and Love of God that passes all of human understanding.

  • Yahweh God is One God, and God's One Holy Spirit is in perfect union with His Eternal WORD, for God's Salvation WORD was conceived in the ovum of the genetically pure Hebrew virgin Mary by God's Spirit of LIFE, to be born in the flesh of Man/Adam. (See Genesis 3 verse 15.)  Therefore the Infinite Yahweh God's Holy Spirit is One with the Water and Blood of LIFE that flowed from the pierced Body of the our Lord the Son of Adam /Man and the Savior of mankind, Who we know to be in devised English as Jesus Christ. 

  • Holy, Holy, Holy Yahweh, (YHWH) the Lord God Almighty, so Loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that whosoever believes IN His Son should not perish, but have everlasting LIFE. (John 3 verse 16.) The one who believes in the Son has Eternal LIFE; but the one who disobeys the Son will not see LIFE, but the wrath of God remains on him. (Mounce, See all English Translations John 3 verse 36. ) 

  • The first Adam/Man, a created son of God, committed treason against His Maker. and in Adam's rebellion, he and his genetic kind after him all died in their flesh's propensity to sin. However, the Eternal All-knowing Yahweh God, in His Gracious Mercy and Infinite Wisdom had already predestined before the foundation of the world, that His Perfect Lamb would be crucified to death for the sin of Adam and his kind.   Holy, Holy, Holy Yahweh God's Justice would require the perfection of the LIFE of the Last True Genetic last Adam, that we esteem to be the Son of Man Jesus Christ/Yeshua haMashiach.  Holy Yahweh God's Justice, was set against the insurrection of the first Adam even before His creation of the world, for Yahweh God's justice would be served by God's own innocent Lamb, the Man Jesus Christ.  For the Salvation of God alone would satisfy His Father's justice with His own perfect Sacrifice of Love and absolute Trust in the WORD of His Holy Father Yahweh God.  

  • Fully understand that the Christ of God died for the sins of the entire world, but the one caveat is that a person must believe the TRUTH that is in Yahweh God's ONE Gift of Salvation that is Yeshua.  It is impossible for any of  mankind, male of female, to justify their sinful selves before the Infinite Holy Yahweh God Almighty.  In God's Holy Justice, the violence of sin in this world can not continue for sin breeds death, and death knows only death, which is the antithesis to the Only Holy, Holy, Holy Yahweh God of the Living.  For the world's edification know that Christ's Solitary death was for the rebellious first Adam, whose sin would continue to be naturally proliferated in the offspring of the first Adam/Man.  But Yahweh God in His Love and Mercy for Man, provided His Only Begotten Lamb to take away the sin and death for Adam kind, for by Lord Yeshua's Perfect Love and obedience to His Father, He submitted to His Father God, Hia presentation offering that eternally satisfied the Almighty's Infinite Holiness against the treason of the first Adam.   The first Adam brought death to all of mankind, but Jesus Christ, the Last Adam, Yeshua haMashiach, in that He was Son of Adam, Who was crucified to death, in that he was innocent of all sin, His Father God affirmed His LIFE to be in Christ as God's Salvation rose from the dead and would bring LIFE to all that believe in God's Chirst/Messiah.  Now then, Yahweh the Almighty God, true to His Faithful WORD raised His Holy One from the dead of men, into the Eternal LIFE of His Eternal Father, Yahweh God Almighty.

  • Yahweh, the Almighty God of creation, has revealed the Perfection of His Love IN Christ Jesus, by giving His Gift of LIFE to those who fully believe in His Salvation Word and Gift, Jesus Christ: For Jesus, God's WORD of Salvation, was crucified to death for the sins of this world of death and destruction. Therefore those who confess their belief in LIFE of the Resurrected Christ Jesus, are souls that are born a new by the Grace of the Spirit of Yahweh God, and the saved will continue to follow the leading of the Grace of the Almighty God of the LIVING.  All those who declare their belief in the sacrifice of the Savior Yeshua. Jesus the Messiah, then in their belief in following the WORD of GOD, are members in the BODY of CHRIST.  As members in the BODY of JESUS CHRIST, we remember that in Communion that when we take and eat of the Body of CHRIST that we are dead in our sins  and  it is our sins that  killed God's Perfect LAMB Jesus the LAST ADAM, The BODY of CHRIST that we identify with by partaking of the BREAD of LIFE, is to remind us of our dastardly sin that has made us dead to God and also made the sinless BODY of Christ Jesus dead in our sin.  The Messiah of God says to His believers do this in remembrance of ME.  But we have forgotten the WORD of GOD and the Faithfull One Who declares to dead sinners: Take and drink ALL of IT for this My Blood of the New Covenant (that in its shedding gives LIFE) to the many for the remission of sin.  The wine contains the blood giving LIFE of the Spirit of Yahweh that is ONE with His Only begotten Son, born the son of the first Adam/ Man, through His Holy Father's Spirit of LIFE. 

  • Yahweh, the Almighty God, has honored His WORD Yashua, even above His Own Gracious Name.  The Communion Offering is for the Sanctification of His New Covenant people so that they may have LIFE IN the Spirit of His Son.   Understand that the Lord Yahweh God administers through His Holy Spirit His benevolent WORD of LIFE in His Communion Grace IN Christ Jesus.  God's Grace of LIFE is provided to repentant believers who receive the Drink Offering from the Fruit of God's True Vine, Jesus Christ. Now, by their clarified FAITH in the WORD of GOD,  the dependent branches would live IN the abundance of the Fruit of God's WORD of LIFE that is Christ Jesus. (See John 15 verse 1 thru 6.) I AM the WAY, and the TRUTH and the LIFE of man.  No one comes to Father God but by ME.

Holy, Holy, Holy Yahweh Lord God Almighty intends that His Eternal Light in Christ Jesus would shine through His redeemed people: For the sons of God are led by the inspiration of Yahweh's Holy Spirit, and they, in the Love of God, would reveal God's Gift of Salvation LIFE to man kind through their shared Faith in His Infinite Word of Absolute TRUTH. (See Romans 8 verse 9 thru 14.)  If God's Salvation Gift of TRUTH has come to be a Witness to you, then, be careful to be renewed in the spirit of your mind. (See Ephesians 4 verse 23 thru 25.) For God gave to His faithful redeemed, His Holy Spirit of Living Grace, so that those who know that they are dead in the darkness of self serving sin in their flesh, would be renewed in the spirit of their minds into Godly understanding, and would become living sacrifices to the Glory of their Redeeming God. For All scripture is given by inspiration of (the Eternal Lord God Almighty), and is profitable for Doctrine, for Reproof, for Correction, for Instruction in Righteousness.  (See 2nd Timothy 3 verse 16.)   For the redeemed of Jesus Christ are called into the unity of God's One Holy Spirit of TRUTH, for the Spirit of Christ was given to us To Be a Sanctifying Gift of enabling Grace of God's Love/Agape within the One Living Body of Christ Jesus. (See Ephesians 4 verse 4 thru 7.) Teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have Commanded you; for I AM with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 28 verse 20.)

To visit the next chapter, please click on  The Memorial of Remembrance.

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Robert Glenn Pratten